
Showing posts from April, 2024

My New Baby Brother: A Mystery of Surprise

I remember the lead up to that day, I was excited and curious. I did not know what to expect.  But I clearly remember telling my mom to give my baby brother a good name so he wouldn’t be picked on in the future. I was just 10 years old and never felt comfortable holding a baby, let alone having one living under the same roof. I was also the jokester and attention-getter of the family and that is the way it was going to stay.  My Aunt Kathy, my mom’s sister, and my mom discussed names out in the main room. I was in my bedroom, within ears range. I heard different names coming from them and laughter, and I heard some name I did not like and ran out of my bedroom AND SHOUTED, “You better not name him that!”  Being 10, I felt the authority to stake my claim, because let's face it, it was going to be my younger brother and I was not going to put up with any names that could affect him in this cruel world. Well the night of reckoning came and my mom and dad rushed to the hospital and my